Ok, so it's sideways, but I cant figure out how to rotate it when I take the picture on my phone and send it here...so maybe one day I'll fix it, but for now rotate your head.
30 December 2008
Guess Where I Was!
16 December 2008
Should I stay or should I go?
So, I'm sorry...And maybe I'll get back on after this semester is over...after I finish that huge project at work...after the branches combine...after life calms down...haha, you know--never.
03 December 2008
You're fantastic!
It's no secret that I'm a total dork, but...I keep discovering new levels of dorkiness that I never knew I had. Like today, I've been sending out CD's for work, and on happened to notice the name of one of my favorite customers, I decided I needed to say hi...this is what I did:
And maybe it's just that it's the holiday season, so I'm extra cheery. Or maybe it's something else, but I think that while everyone likes to be complimented, I get giddy over it. Because I answered the phone today and had the following conversation with a different customer,
Me: This is Heather.
Customer: You're back?
Me: (A little confused, because I'm unaware I left.) Ya.
C: What is it, 5 years now?
Me: (Starting to understand) Something like that
C: Well, I have to say, I'm glad to hear it. I love talking to you.
Me: Um...Thanks!
C: No, thank you. Ever since you started working there, I've had excellent customer service. You should tell your boss.
Well, maybe I will do that--it is about time for a Christmas bonus, right? Thank you customer.
Dear boss
In case you are unaware, I am wonderful.
PS-I like money.
01 December 2008
LA Auto Show
Look at that hot bike! It's, like, $16,000 hot. ...Ya, I'm not actually much of a biker-girl, but I'm also not much of a picture taker, so this was the only decent shot I remembered to take....and by "I" I mean "Chris." ;-) But, hey, I think I look pretty good up there.
I don't really know why I was so excited to see that the auto show was here. Anyone who knows me knows that I am not much of a car person.
28 November 2008
Guess where I was!
25 November 2008
Here Today, Gone Tomorrow.
23 November 2008
False Reality
11 November 2008
Guess Where I Was!
PS--This picture was taken on my cell phone, so I'm sorry that it's not very good...
06 November 2008
6th of 6
It's from my sister's bridal shower. Doesn't it look yummy?
31 October 2008
Could it be the result of excess stress? I was talking to a friend about some memory issues I've been having, and he asked if I have been stressed out lately. And do you want to know my answer? Something along the lines of: "How do you know you're stressed out?" I honestly don't know. Because I'm not really good at stress. And maybe that's a sign that there is seriously something wrong with me, but for the most part, I am pretty emotionally even. It is easier to let things roll off you, and not worry about them. It is easier to be happy than to be sad. Is that just me refusing to feel? Am I avoiding my problems?
...I guess more than "my" problems right now it would be the problems of others...Well, of one in particular. Something I can't fix. And I have always thought "why stress about something you can't change?" but now I think I understand. People fear the unknown. Because you don't know what's going to happen, and you want to do all you can to make sure everything will be okay. But you know that it's out of your hands. And if it were my problem I might be able to accept that...but since it belongs to someone else I feel this need to help. And I've never been good at that. Well, I'm pretty good at helping if you give me a job. I guess it's the coming up with ideas on how to help...or maybe it's the comforting that I'm not so good at--sitting idle and not knowing what to do or say. Because you don't want to bring up the bad situation, but you don't want to ignore it either. If it were my problem I'd just run away, and focus on other things. Pretend everything was okay. But how do you do that to someone else without coming off heartless and cold? How can you be supportive while also being evasive?
*I really haven't taken a vacation in a while, and anyone who really knows me, knows how vital vacations are to my health. So maybe I should just do that--just take a weekend road trip, or even a day trip. But where would I go, and with what money?
14 October 2008
Yes on Prop 8
I hope you understand that this is not a homophobic act. This is not "anti-gay." This is not about discriminating against homosexuals. Homosexual couples will maintain the same rights they have now. This is about freedom of religion, because religious institutions should not be expected to adapt their beliefs to meet the demands of government. This is about protecting democracy and showing that when we vote for something, we expect our vote to matter, and not be over turned by 4 individuals who think they know better than we do.
But mostly, this is about protecting the family. That's why I'm voting yes on prop. 8. Everything else is just a happy bonus.
08 October 2008
speak words of kindness...
For lovely eyes ,
seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure ,
share your food
with the hungry.
For beautiful hair ,
let a child run his/her fingers through it once a day.
For poise ,
walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone...
People, even more than things, have to be restored,
renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed;
never throw out anyone.
Now, I didn't do any research to find out if she really said that or not, but I really like it! She is pretty much my hero. For a long time now I've noticed a lack in my life. I've felt "unattractive." Unattractive in the internal way. And I am a firm believer that inner beauty can shine outwardly. IE once you get to know someone, they get "cuter." Personality counts for a lot. And I don't think I ever thought about this, but Actions count for even more. I'm going to have to pay attention to this and see if I can improve myself through any of these methods.
06 October 2008
RTFIMO (Random Things Found In My Office)
I've probably told you about how random my job is. In case you didn't believe me, I decided to take a few pictures of the random things I have all around me.
The Pixy's benches. They are only about a foot tall, so if you're little friends need a place to sit down, send them my way:Yes, that's a full drum set. (Shouldn't every serious office have one?):
The weird black and white thing...I'm honestly not sure what it's purpose it...I can only assume it is a photography back drop of some kind. But I'm always tempted to encourage people to climb on in and put on a shadow show for me:
And my personal favorite--the air gun, in case you need to blow papers off your co-worker's desk, without him knowing it was you:
26 September 2008
And for those of you who are interested, I believe a group is going shooting (probably skeet) on 11 October, so just let me know, and I'll get you the information.
*The first paper was shared with a pro, so I'm not sure where I hit it...
**If I have a gun in my hand...but chances are I wont, so you are safe. Unless you are creepy, in which case you should always assume I am armed (even though I'm not).
PS-You can't really see it, but the gun is right below the target...you know, the black thing on the black tray...ya, I can understand why you didn't even notice it at first...If I was smart, I would have put them on the white paper so they'd stand out...but I didnt...
25 September 2008
I Do?
And I think that's exactly why I wouldn't want to marry myself: Because I know my personality wouldn't really get along with itself. For example: I really only do what's expected of me. And I hate having to tell people what they need to do. So, I'd get really annoyed with myself for something I'm neglecting to do, but because I don't want to be a nag, instead of telling myself to do it, I'd just let the frustration brew up inside myself.
Also, I'm very good at pushing people away; I am not good at talking about important issues; I am more of a mirror than a painting; I never cook anymore; I don't really enjoy cleaning; I am against "working out"; I have no follow through; there is no creativity in me; I'd rather put money in a savings account than spend it (you may think this is a good thing, and sometimes it is, but sometimes you just want to buy something without feeling guilty); I'm incredibly naive/inexperienced/ignorant; I'm not good at sitting still--and that's just to list a few.
Would I marry me? No, I wouldn't. But I'm still hoping that some day someone else will! And the things that I can change, I'm trying. I've even gone to the gym recently!<--just to show how much effort and sacrifice I'm putting in to it!
you're my number 1
My sister and I wanted to watch a movie last night, so we turned on the TV and this is what we saw:
We were trying so hard to figure out what was going on, but we couldn't rewind it...so I ran to the computer to see if it was there--AND IT WAS!!!
22 September 2008
100 mostly uninteresting things about me
- I have a desk job
- And by "desk" I mean I sit at one all day
- But I don't really have a lot to do
- So I mostly just pretend to be busy.
- I totally blog stalk people
- And it's often people I don't know.
- I LOVE origami
- I'm not really good at it, but I do it anyway.
- The first thing I learned how to make was a ball
- My elementary school friend taught me
- At church.
- Then in 7th grade I learned how to make a samurai
- My English teacher taught the class when we were reading a book about a samurai
- ...I don't remember which one...
- Right now I'm working on a bouquet of flowers
- For my desk at work.
- It started while I was at school last week
- One of my teachers had an origami bouquet on her desk
- So I was trying to figure out how to make the flowers
- While she was lecturing.
- I have the attention span of a toddler.
- Ooh--What's that? ...
- ...Where was I?...
- Oh ya--Attention spans
- My memory is bad, too.
- I honestly think there's something wrong with me
- Sometimes I can't remember words
- On Sunday, I seriously spent 3 minutes trying to think of "Millennium"
- Last week I couldn't say "wet weather"
- I still have to think really hard to say it.
- And my spelling is worse.
- I love spell check.
- I can't wait till it moves past correcting the spelling, to knowing the intended word
- Like distinguishing between there/their/they're.
- My family has a board where we mark our height on our birthdays
- At the top it says "See how we've groan"
- I still don't know if that was intentional.
- I'm the shortest in my family
- They always called me the runt
- I haven't made a new line since I was 14.
- The highest mark on the board is my uncle Jon.
- I am really lazy
- If I could, I'd just sit around all day.
- I love the beach.
- It's probably because no one expects you to do anything there
- Thereby allowing me to be lazy.
- I ask a lot of questions
- "Are you still reading this?"
- "Why?"
- I ask questions so I don't have to think.
- See, I told you I'm lazy.
- I love when I have a crush on someone
- It makes life more exciting and interesting
- But I don't really know what to do about it
- So I just do nothing--It's easier
- I'd probably forget about it soon anyway.
- I'm not very good at sitting around
- I'm sure you already know that
- It's why you never see me.
- It's a recent development
- But I don't know where it came from
- Because lazy people usually love doing nothing.
- There are very few people I sit down with.
- I usually only watch 1 or 2 TV shows a week
- (Not counting the GSN I watch with my grandma).
- I almost never watch TV with other people
- It goes back to my lack of ability to sit around
- There is only 1 person I've watched aimless TV with this month
- And I thought I was going to defenestrate myself.
- (That's one of my favorite words
- But I've never used it about myself
- And I'm not sure that's correct usage.)
- But I had no excuse to leave
- Except: "I hate TV and right now I hate you."
- And I don't really like to tell people I hate them
- So I stayed
- And took a nap.
- Nap time is the highlight of my day
- I wish I could take a nap everyday.
- Why'd they take that out of school?
- It makes me sad when I think about all the things kids are missing.
- What "expert" decided it was a good idea to get rid of recess?
- Why don't more parents teach their children respect/consideration?
- I don't have a bucket list
- If I did it would say: Do everything
- It would probably be underlined three times.
- I have lots of irrational fears
- Or maybe it's better classified as paranoia
- I don't usually tell people about it because I don't want them to be like me.
- When people ask, I say I'm afraid of failure
- (Which I really am!).
- My biggest regret is my lack of experience
- I missed out on too much in my life
- Which is why I'm so willing to do just about anything now
- Even hold a gun.
- I'm told this would be the perfect one for me.
- I don't want a gun in my house.
- Unless it's a marshmallow shooter
- I have 2 Marshmallow Shooters in my trunk
- Just in case I feel the sudden need to have a "gun" fight.
17 September 2008
Dear Person,
Me (The girl who stepped in your gum. You know, the gum you spit out in the parking lot. Right between 2 parking spots. Pretty much exactly where someone would have to step when getting out of their car. My shoes and my car thank you.)
16 September 2008
Guess Where I Was!
From Guess where I was |
10 September 2008
Emailed Panda
He may not look like much, but I'm pretty proud of my Panda!
It was a quiet day at work, so I made a panda out of printer paper...Obviously it should be done using origami paper that is black on one side, and white on the other, but oddly enough I don't keep that at my desk, so I just grabbed my trusty Sharpie!
In other news: I am quite proud of myself because I posted this via e-mail, so I hope it turns out.
02 September 2008
25 August 2008
Having the summer off has allowed me to slow down a little. I still had to work, and didn't really have any "free time" but I was able to take a little more time to do things, which I appreciate. (I am a pretty slow person.) It also allowed me to strengthen/renew some friendships which I'd allowed to decay.
And for the first time in my life I felt confidant in what I was doing. This may come as a shock to some of you (because I do my best to hide it...but then again, maybe I'm not as good at hiding it, and you are already aware), but I have a ton of insecurities and phobias. I've had them my whole life, so like a good friend, I'm used to having them around. They often help to protect me from the world. But in the recent years, I decided that I'd be a more interesting person if I got over all the things that stop me from doing things. All kids should have a memory of climbing a tree, right? I don't think I ever did, because I was afraid of falling out and hurting myself. And what good did it do me? It may have saved me from the temporary pain a broken arm, but it also "saved" me from the experience, and a story to share. It cut me off from humanity, because I turned myself into an emotionless machine.
For whatever reason (and I have some theories), this summer has been a time free from my own insecurities. I did what I wanted without thinking too hard about what other people would think of me, or what could go wrong, or how I should protect myself from pain or failure. And it was great! I didn't necessarily overcome any huge fears, but I did face them. And I gotta say, I kinda enjoyed doing it.
I'll be honest here: I'm not entirely sure why I'm writing this, or what my point is. I just love reading up on your lives, and I felt like I should post something a little more personal than my usual blunderings of randomness I encountered throughout the Internet. And I'm not really good at telling stories about myself because I've never really had any. And there's really nothing new with me to share. ...But I promise to tell you about something I did last week--something I never thought I'd do. I actually already wrote my post about it, but I'm waiting for the pictures to be sent to me so I can include one...You're probably gonna want to see a picture of this.
23 August 2008
"I'm huntin' wrabbits."
*I was waiting for a friend to send me the pictures he took of me, but he's been busy (which I can totally understand), so I'm just gonna post this, and if I do get some pictures, I'll r-post it or link to it later, or something...
18 August 2008
Ready for a change
Ok--you all get to help me make a decision, aren't you excited? I think I will soon be ready to change my hair style. How should I get it cut? Taking into account my round face, I want you to find some pictures of styles. You can email them to me at shrugsnkisses@gmail.com, and then I will post them in a few weeks for everyone to see and vote. I already have one or two styles in mind, but I'd love to see some other options!
14 August 2008
P, A, R, T, Y? Because I wanna.
10 August 2008
09 August 2008
31 July 2008
What have I done? What have you done?
200 Have and Have-not's
1. Touched an iceberg
2. Slept under the stars
3. Been a part of a hockey fight
4. Changed a baby's diaper
5. Watched a meteor shower
6. Given more than you can afford to charity
7. Swam with wild dolphins
8. Climbed a mountain
9. Held a tarantula
10. Said "I love you" and meant it
11. Bungee jumped
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea
14. Stayed up all night long and watched the sun rise
15. Seen the Northern Lights
16. Gone to a huge sports game
17. Walked the stairs to the top of the Statue of Liberty
18. Grown and eaten your own vegetables
19. Looked up at the night sky through a telescope
20. Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment
21. Had a pillow fight
22. Bet on a winning horse
23. Taken a sick day when you're not ill
24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a lamb
26. Gone skinny dipping
27. Taken an ice cold bath/Shower
28. Had a meaningful conversation with a beggar
29. Seen a total eclipse
30. Ridden a roller coaster
31. Hit a home run
32. Danced like a fool and not cared who was looking
33. Adopted an accent for fun
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors
35. Felt very happy about your life, even for just a moment
36. Loved your job 90% of the time
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. Watched wild whales
39. Gone rock climbing
40. Gone on a midnight walk on the beach
41. Gone sky diving
42. Visited Ireland
43. Ever bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
44. Visited India
45. Bench-pressed your own weight
46. Milked a cow
47. Alphabetized your personal files
48. Ever worn a superhero costume
49. Sung karaoke
50. Lounged around in bed all day (does it count if I was sick?)
51. Gone scuba diving
52. Kissed in the rain
53. Played in the mud
54. Gone to a drive-in theater
55. Done something you should regret, but don't
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Been in a movie
60. Gone without food for 3 days
61. Made cookies from scratch
62. Won first prize in a costume contest
63. Got flowers for no reason
64. Been in a combat zone
65. Spoken more than one language fluently
66. Gotten into a fight while attempting to defend someone
67. Bounced a check
68. Read - and understood - your credit report
69. Recently bought and played with a favorite childhood toy
70. Found out something significant that your ancestors did
71. Called or written your Congress person
72. Picked up and moved to another city to just start over
73. Walked the Golden Gate Bridge
74. Helped an animal give birth
75. Been fired or laid off from a job
76. Won money
77. Broken a bone
78. Ridden a motorcycle
79. Driven any land vehicle at a speed of greater than 100 mph
80. Hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon
81. Slept through an entire flight: takeoff, flight, and landing
82. Taken a canoe trip that lasted more than 2 days
83. Eaten sushi
84. Had your picture in the newspaper
85. Read The Bible cover to cover
86. Changed someone's mind about something you care deeply about
87. Gotten someone fired for their actions
88. Gone back to school
89. Changed your name
90. Caught a fly in the air with your bare hands
91. Eaten fried green tomatoes
92. Read The Iliad
93. Taught yourself an art from scratch
94. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
95. Apologized to someone years after inflicting the hurt
96. Communicated with someone without sharing a common spoken language
97. Been elected to public office
98. Thought to yourself that you're living your dream
99. Had to put someone you love into hospice care
100. Sold your own artwork to someone who didn't know you
101. Had a booth at a street fair
102. Dyed your hair
103. Been a DJ
104. Rocked a baby to sleep
105. Ever dropped a cat from a high place to see if it really lands on all fours
106. Raked your carpet
107. Brought out the best in people
108. Brought out the worst in people
109. Worn a mood ring
110. Ridden a horse
111. Carved an animal from a piece of wood or bar of soap
112. Cooked a dish where four people asked for the recipe
113. Buried a child (Does it count that it was in a play?)
114. Gone to a Broadway (or equivalent to your country) play
115. Been inside the pyramids
116. Shot a basketball into a basket
117. Danced at a disco
118. Played in a band
119. Shot a bird
120. Gone to an arboretum
121. Tutored someone
122. Ridden a train
123. Brought an old fad back into style
124. Eaten caviar
125. Let a salesman talk you into something you didn’t need
126. Ridden a giraffe or elephant
127. Published a book
128. Pieced a quilt
129. Lived in an historic place
130. Acted in a play or performed on a stage
131. Asked for a raise
132. Made a hole-in-one (Does mini-golf count?)
133. Gone deep sea fishing
134. Gone roller skating
135. Run a marathon
136. Learned to surf
137. Invented something
138. Flown first class
139. Spent the night in a 5-star luxury suite
140. Flown in a helicopter
141. Visited Africa
142. Sang a solo
143. Gone spelunking
144. Learned how to take a compliment
145. Written a love-story
146. Seen Michelangelo’s David
147. Had your portrait painted
148. Written a fan letter
149. Spent the night in something haunted
150. Owned a St. Bernard or Great Dane
151. Ran away
152. Learned to juggle
153. Been a boss
154. Sat on a jury
155. Lied about your weight
156. Gone on a diet
157. Found an arrowhead or a gold nugget
158. Written a poem
159. Carried your lunch in a lunchbox
160. Gotten food poisoning
161. Gone on a service, humanitarian or religious mission
162. Hiked the Grand Canyon
163. Sat on a park bench and fed the ducks
164. Gone to the opera
165. Gotten a letter from someone famous
166. Worn knickers
167. Ridden in a limousine
168. Attended the Olympics
169. Learned to hula or waltz
170. Read a half dozen Nancy Drew or Hardy Boys books
171. Been stuck in an elevator
172. Had a revelatory dream
173. Thought you might crash in an airplane
174. Had a song dedicated to you on the radio or at a concert
175. Saved someone’s life
176. Eaten raw whale
177. Know how to tat, smock or do needlepoint
178. Laughed till your side hurt
179. Straddled the equator
180. Taken a photograph of something other than people that is worth framing
181. Gone to a Shakespeare Festival
182. Sent a message in a bottle
183. Spent the night in a hotel
184. Been a cashier
185. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
186. Joined a union
187. Donated blood or plasma
188. Built a campfire
189. Kept a blog
190. Had hives
191. Worn custom made shoes or boots
192. Made a PowerPoint presentation
193. Taken a Hunter’s Safety Course
194. Served at a soup kitchen
195. Conquered the Rubik’s cube
196. Know CPR
197. Ridden in or owned a convertible
198. Found a long lost friend
199. Helped solve a crime
200. Commented on a friend's blog today.
Wow--I've done a lot of stuff, and I found a few things that I think I will do soon.
30 July 2008
Austen Heroine
Thanks to encouragement from buried in the book, I've officially started reading Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. I'm a little nervous because I hear it's a hard read, and I'm very simple minded. I'm also a very slow reader, so over 300 pages of intelligent writing in only one month is intimidating...but at least I'm trying to be educated, right? That must count for something. Anyways, in honor of this great accomplishment,* I took this quiz and found out that:
*Can I call reading the first page an accomplishment?
29 July 2008
Left Out of the Dance Festival
UPDATE: both of the linked sites above have lowered it to a 5.4
21 July 2008
Dear CAS Department,
Waiting (somewhat) patiently,
15 July 2008
My Desk Got A Little Brighter
10 July 2008
I'm a Princess
You Are Aurora! (A.K.A. Sleeping Beauty)
09 July 2008
Just trying to forget
...Religion. It's my faith will have to get me through this. It is hope that will comfort a friend in need. It is knowledge that brings action. and that's what I need to trust in.
Would you do this?
08 July 2008
03 July 2008
Feeling the Itch
30 June 2008
Recaptured Joy
28 June 2008
How I get Myself in Trouble
Actually, I guess it's not just my lack of lying ability that kills me, because I wouldn't really want to lie to a friend, but when you add that to the fact that every day my English gets worse, the result is me in a bad situation. To you who I've hurt: I apologize. I don't think I expressed myself well. Because I forgot to say the word "alone" which might change everything (or maybe it'll just make it all worse). I didn't know how to explain the context, and there wasn't time to go through the history.
Maybe if I'd been able to process what sounded like an easy question, I could have come up with something more fitting; something more beneficial for you...But in ignorance I expected you to take on a whole new mound of problems that are all due to my own inadequacies, and in reality reflect nothing on you (except maybe your poor choice in counting me among your friends). I hope you can understand how bad I am at expression, and how it is worse when I try to express thoughts of someone else.
...Maybe you don't even think about that answer (although by the look on your face I know it crushed you, as you tried to hide it), and it is something you've already forgotten about. Or maybe it has inspired you to investigate the situation...but I know that if it was me, I'd cry. I'd be crying harder than I am now because it wasn't fair. And it wasn't true. You make jokes about it now, but I know that jokes are rooted in true feelings.
To you who I love and will always want to protect I am sorry. I hope you can forgive me. I hope you know how my heart is breaking right now at the thought of the pain I might have caused you, and at the reputation I might have marred.
23 June 2008
Talent to Show
This is the first video I saw, and I have to admit that when he started, I was a little confused as to how this mess of color was considered art, but when you see the end result--It's amazing:
Super Sprayer - The funniest videos clips are here
This is a quick, one minute picture, for those of you who are short on time:
This is my favorite (I'm a beach nut):
...Now, If I could just convince my parents to let me use their spray paint again...
16 June 2008
11 June 2008
10 June 2008
How do I get that job?
09 June 2008
Living Art
06 June 2008
Happy National Doughnut Day!
03 June 2008
30 May 2008
Guess where I was!
27 May 2008
The Courage of Children
21 May 2008
Five Things I’m not good at:
1-Writing. I'm bad at this in every sense of the word. I'm bad at writing in general, my stories/essays/blog posts/journal entries generally end up being a random, unorganized stream of consciousness usually irrelevant to life and all things interesting; I'm bad at writing in the sense that spelling and everything grammatical are beyond me; I'm bad at writing to people, and even if i do, there's no guarantee that the letter would make it to the mail; and I'm bad at physically writing, my chicken scratch is hard to read and is usually situated on some imaginary curvy wave instead of a line.
2-Messages. As with Liz, I feel completely flustered and totally self conscious when leaving messages. I forget who I called, or why I called, or what my name is, etc. I would much rather just try calling back later...except that with caller ID you'd know that I called you every 10 minutes until you finally answered. (Oh, the simple days). Maybe this is some how related to #1 and the problem lies in my lack of coherent thought processes. Or maybe it's my lacking ability to describe/explain things.
3-Dreaming. I think this is because of my inability to remember my dreams when wake up in the morning, or maybe it's my fear of failure. Why dream of living in a mansion with a beach view and a personal assistant when I know that the closest I could ever come to that is being the personal assistant to someone who lives in a beach side mansion? ...and even that is probably not going to happen...Easier to just accept the life I have and try to maintain it.
4-Confrontation. I hate it. It's much easier for me to suffer through a bad situation than to open the can of worms that would be my attempt at resolving the issue. If there is something I do that annoys you, I expect you to tell me, because I can fix it. I can at least avoid doing it in front of you. And that's why I often want to tell people about things like that. "Hey, could you please not eat your fish near me?" or "You know how I hate being scared, right? ...so why did you just jump out at me?" or "Could you please, please, please, pretty-please, just clean up after yourself and not leave dirty dishes everywhere, and trash on my desk? Please?"...but when I've done that in the past, most people make a big deal about it and get offended and complicate my life. I don't care that you eat fish, scare people, or leave crap everywhere...as long as it isn't in my personal space. I really think I'm easy to get along with...but in these situations it would have been easier if I had just focused on keeping my mouth closed, and then everyone can be happy after.
5-Keeping my room clean. I can keep a house clean, and I hate dirt...but my bedroom usually ends up being the dumping ground for all the stuff I still need to do/finish/think about. When I lived with my BFF in our little basement apartment, I was really good about being tidy...although this may be simply because she is OCD about organization (which I love about her). And when I was in Brazil, I was really neat because, well, when you only have 2 suitcases worth of stuff it's really easy to put your 25 possessions away because 20 of them are books that sit nicely in a pile on your desk. ...Right now I like to use the "I don't have time" excuse, but who knows--maybe I am just a slob.
So...Are we still friends?
13 May 2008
Guess where I was!
05 May 2008
Happy Cinco de Mayo!
02 May 2008
Random, but cool
29 April 2008
26 April 2008
21 April 2008
18 April 2008
Free movies?!?
17 April 2008
The poem in my pocket
When my head lies down and eyes close tight.
Deep into sleep I peacefully dive;
The dream I feared would never arrive.
*I don't actually have any pockets in my clothes today, so does it count if it's in the pocket of my school bag? ...would it help if I promise to read it often? Or if I shared it?
15 April 2008
The End of Tax Season!
11 April 2008
Book Tag
To complete this tag you must:
1. Pick up the nearest book (at least 123 pages)
2. Turn to page 123
3.Find the 5th sentence
4. Post the 5th sentence on your blog
5.Tag 5 people
"Monseigneur, hear me!" (I was a little afraid the first sentance would go on forever, luckily I got a short one...the 4th sentence was 5 lines long!)
While driving on the freeway, Katie and I found some fun. It was nice to be a passenger and therefore able to see the sights around me. (Thanks for driving Katie!) Now, I've been known to take a picture or two while driving but as a passenger I went crazy! The fun started with this one: He was right along side us pretty much the whole time we were on the 10. It was fun trying to get the pictures because when I finally realized I could take the picture, we could only see him through the windows of other cars. But Katie's a pro driver and got me close enough to get these:
That's right. It says Geezers M. C. He's hardcore and wears a mask with his leather jacket and flag helmet. Rock on Gus! (Okay, so I don't actually know his name, and I can't remember what we decided it was...Katie--A little help here.)
We kinda lost track of him when we saw this truck:
This is Benny.* This is the new truck that he bought last week to compensate for the Body Building Competition he lost at muscle beach last month. He was afraid his girlfriend would be disappointed in him so he wanted a nice ride to make up for it...but she's super shallow and dumped him anyway. Poor guy. Good thing I'm a great girlfriend. He'll find that out soon, because he's gonna fall madly in love with me as he teaches me how to surf next week.**
The next moment of excitement was probably mostly just mine. We had a few minutes to kill, so we went driving up this random street near Duke's and found this nice community with a private elementary school that has a rock wall in the play ground. A Rock wall?!? How cool is that? I've always wanted to try climbing a rock wall, and these 5 year-olds can do it everyday. That's the life. I hope Benny plans on having kids, and living in that community. ...Living that close to the beach, we could go surfing everyday. Before or after work, of course.
And of course, the reason for the journey--Amanda!!!! Doesn't she look cute in her Villa? Ya, it's not so much her's as it is the Getty's....but she's working those capri's! Oh, Amanda. California was lucky to have you, even if it was for only a few days. I'm really glad your spring break was the same week as mine was! It also worked out nicely that my road trip kinda fell through so that I could spend more time with you. I probably would have been upset if you weren't here to fill my free day!
*I decided not to try to put a real picture of his face on here, because how weird would that be: minding your own business and browsing through blogs, when suddenly you see a dark, fuzzy image of yourself! And you think "I'm being stalked!?!" It might cause years of therapy, and I'm not willing to inflict that on someone so cute.
**The names and facts have been made up. Any similarity to real life, or people you may know is completely coincidental. The author's status as a girlfriend is according to her own reports, and has yet to be confirmed. If your boyfriend is named Benny, you have nothing to worry about: this is neither a picture of him, nor a factual evaluation of his body building abilities, although, you might want to make sure you really like him, and not just his money/social standing. Just a tip. If this is a picture of your boyfriend, BEWARE--He freeway flirts, which may, or may not be an indication of real flirting and/or fidelity to you.