01 May 2009

Roses really do make an apology better.

I got flowers today. And while I was really trying to stay upset, they make me smile every time I come back to my desk. Which has been often today, because I was working it the conference room, but the phone was still on my desk in the lobby.


rachelsaysso said...

So pretty. Details please.

Emryn said...

:) Who was the smart person to send them?

Amanda said...

What? You can't add a post like this without either explaining the offense that earned you roses, or at the very least sending out a simultaneous email to you closest loves ones explaining this situation. So, you pick, but I expect to have this mystery figured out quickly.
They are beautiful! You deserve them without being offended.

Heather said...

HAHA--I'm sorry. I didn't realize what an uproar this would cause.

Thank you Amanda, and I agree: I do deserve them without being offended! And I told him that...after he said that we should fight more often so I get flowers more often. "Wouldn't it be easier if you just gave me roses without me having to make you feel guilty for something?"