I'll use myself as an example of this process. I used to be concerned with things in the Esteem category, but for whatever reason I have been struggling with my Love/belonging level lately. It's funny how easy it is to shake your world and make you re-evaluate your psychological standing. I remember not too long ago that I was very much concerned with eating--I felt like I was always hungry; and when clean bathrooms were seldom available, that was in the forefront of my mind all day. Now I have all my Physiological needs met, and I feel Safe in my employment, health, home, etc. So the next level is Love/belonging. It's interesting how we subconsciously know we need something before we even realize what it is. I have been craving spending time with my kids lately. I've gone to my sister's place hoping to see them because I know they love me. It took me a little while to realize that I just needed to remember that I have people who love me. Next I will (hopefully) strive to improve my relationships with others. I will seek others whom I can hold in high esteem, and try to live my life to be held in high esteem by others. That will hopefully give me the confidence to seek Self-actualization.
I try to remember this model when I meet others. I try to remember that you cannot expect higher level interactions with people who are struggling with the lower level needs. I try to be patient with those on lower levels, while expecting them to progress upwards just as I hope those on higher levels are patient with me. ...but sometimes I forget. And then my expectations are unmet and I'm disappointed. Other times I think people are on a lower level and they get mad at me for treating them differently than they expected. (This is leading into a topic for another blog entry, so I'll leave it for tomorrow...Relationships!)
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs also helped me understand things like eating disorders a little better. People who feel they have no control of their higher levels, use food (and other physiological needs) as something they can control. It gives a sense of power in their daily lives. Like, maybe if they changed the way they ate, it would somehow provide a sense of safety or belonging. I never really understood it, but now I do. I'm sure I've done it a time or two--like when I eat Ice cream because I'm sad (or happy, or celebrating, or mad, or upset, or...).
Point: Don't try to expect complex interactions with people struggling to meet their basic physiological needs. Help them do that if you can, and then, eventually, they will have a stable foundation so they can help you meet your needs.
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