13 May 2008

Guess where I was!

I've decided that everyone else has a series-blog, and I want one too. This will not be on a set schedule, it will be whenever I feel like I haven't posted anything in a while and know that I really should. As I've explained before, I like taking random pictures of things we see every day, but in a different way. So, I end up taking a lot of pictures of things that are visually pleasing to me so that I can manipulate them later...I dream of one day making one of those pictures using tons of mini-pictures, so for now I'm just stocking up on pictures. Well, now I'm going to blog pictures of random places and views, and you get to guess where I was/what the picture is of--I want to see some comments people! First picture: I know, it's a little dark, but it was taken at night on my cell phone...I only have access to a few pictures right now. I promise the next will be better.


Liz the Poet said...

Well, you're overlooking water...in some kind of falling situation...I have no clue.

I think I'm going to be lousy at this, but I love the idea!

Christy said...

umm... i know this is a totally dumb guess but... niagra falls? oh wait, there's a city.i really don't know if there's a city by niagra falls, and i think they might be bigger.

i'm stumped. please, tell us!

jafabrit said...

Looks like niagra falls :) American side maybe?
Thanks for adding my link to your blog roll :)

rachelsaysso said...

I have a picture just like that, only during the day. It's Niagra Falls. I feel like I may need to get out my slicker from the Maid of the Mist tour. This is fun. Can't wait for the next picture.

Heather said...

And the answer is--Niagara Falls!!! Well done! It is from the American side, so the city you see there is Canada...well, I guess the city isn't so much Canada, but rather a part of Canada...but you get the point! It was pretty cool, and if you look close you can see the spotlight that makes the "water and lights" show.

Liz the Poet said...

I should have known! Darn... I've even been to Niagara!

Christy said...

turns out i wasn't dumb, but right and awesome after all. perf.