20 May 2012


It's so cool to "see" an eclipse.  I'm still amazed that this works:

I tried to take pictures with my camera, but shockingly this is what I got:

19 May 2012

Happy Retirement Pablo!

High School was a long time ago for me, but even so, I remember Pablo.  He was an amazing teacher for me.  I entered his class behind, but really felt he helped me improve.  I remember how uplifting he made the class.  I don't think anyone ever felt dumb or wrong.  Even when a mistake was made, a joke would be made, along with the correction, and an explanation, but all in a loving way that helped improve, instead of put down.

I was an awkward, quiet kid, so he would have no reason to notice me, but he was always very warm and friendly.  I never expected him to remember me, but I still wanted to see off because I will never forget him.  The line was 4 years long, and I had a few other things to do so I took off.  But I did get an email address from his wife, and if I can find my way with words, I will try to let him know how much he helped me.  Even though I don't really speak much Spanish, I do understand a lot of it.  And I know for sure that I would have had a much harder time learning Portuguese if I had not started with his Spanish foundation.

Thanks Pablo! Enjoy your retirement-- you deserve it!

12 May 2012

National Train Day

Happy National Train day!!!  I've always been a huge fan of trains, and then last year I became a train travel convert.  I love it so much! So, this year I had to celebrate somehow.  My sister and I got weekend passes for $10 and spent the day in LA,

there was a lot to see in the station,

free stuff to be collected,

a trip across the street for taquitos at Cielito Lindo, where I made friends with a fireman who was super excited to see me. Shrugs.

And the ever fun run-in with with weird people.

PS-- did you know there are LA Sheriff's patrolling the train taking tickets? That was a surprise to me! I think that would be my favorite assignment, if I were a Sheriff (not that I ever want to be...because I'd be really bad at it).

05 May 2012

Track Meet!

Who knew the elementary school has track meets?  I didn't know it, at least not until I was watching the kids this week and got to take them to theirs.  My boys did really well, and came home with all sorts of metals.
I had to leave before all the awards were given, but I did get to watch a friend receive her metal! Yay! Isn't she so cute?
I also got to see some pretty fashionable people.  Like this one...that's denim blue jeans, under baggy corduroy shorts, in case you can't tell. 

04 May 2012

Basketball Champs

I caught the last game of two of the kid's teams, and they were both really good!*  I didn't get any pictures of the younger team, but this team had decided to use superhero names on their shirts--so funny! That's Professor X, Hancock, Wonder Woman, Batman, Spiderman, The Hulk, Dead Pool, Mr. Showtime,** Ms. Incredible and Superman

* That's high praise coming from a non-sport's fan.
**I don't actually know the story behind Mr Showtime, but the 7 people taking pictures had a hard time getting pictures that show everyone's names, mostly because Mr Showtime's arms were in the way of other names...I guess his name really fits him!