Looking back, I realize it was all very nieve. While my sister is an amazing wife and mother, the fact that I'm kinda glad I have a different life is a good indication that I probably wouldnt have been. Don’t get me wrong, I still have that filed under “to do,” but I’m no longer sitting around waiting. Instead, I’m out living life (See past blogs) and gaining as much education and experience as I can so that I can be more knowledgeable and therefore of more use to those around me.
One of the most influential things I did was serve a mission. I loved it! I grew so much in such a short amount of time. And that's when I decided that whatever I end up doing would have to involve helping people. If I'm going to be happy working full time, I need the satisfaction that comes from directly serving others. Obviously that narrowed down the options for my eventual career a lot.
Next I had to figure out who I wanted to help. And this let me down several paths,--and a few dead ends. I started out thinking about how important my family is to me. So, I decided to find a way to help families be functional (seems to be very hard these days).
and now, I've gotta go to school, so I'll update this entry later...